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Through this program we enable children to take advantage of their free time in a productive way. Some of our classes include: art, soccer & dance. 

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This program allows kids to have fun while learning by interacting and experiencing unforgettable moments through different spaces and activities. See more...


This program supports and assists families and children of the foundation that are in vulnerable situations at home.

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This program allows children and their families to experience spiritual growth, self improvement and increased welfare. See more...


Giving children the childhood they deserve today


Our projects aim to improve the quality of life of our children, adolescents and their families

Our thrift shop “Dejando Huella” is an entrepreneurship project which offers the community new and second-hand clothes in good condition and at a low cost.  See more...


This project provides nutritious and balanced light meals to the boys, girls and teenagers in order to strengthen their growth and improve their health and well-being. See more...


Our urban garden promotes the care for the environment and highlights the importance of natural resources. This project allows our children learn about how to grow and harvest their own food.  See more...


With the help of volunteers' work and donations, this project aims to improve the living spaces of our beneficiaries by remodeling and  improving the adequacy and safety of their homes. See more...


We invite you to join us on all of our social work initiatives.


Would you like to help?
Read on to find out how to become part of this wonderful project now!

How To Help?


You can sponsor and support a child through a US $25 monthly contribution. This contribution allows children and their families  access to all the different programs offered by the Foundation.


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You can make an financial or in-kind donation by clicking the button below or by going directly to the Foundation's headquarters.


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Volunteering is generosity at its best! It is giving without expecting anything in return and helping those who want make changes. We invite you to join us and be part of  our amazing team.


"Giving children the childhood they deserve, today"

About Us

Rise and Walk Foundation Inc. is a charitable non- profit organization headquartered in Bridgeport. CT, with a branch in Bogotá, Colombia. In October 2006 the Internal Revenue Service granted our organization 501(c)(3) status.

Our Mission


To help at risk children develop their potential while giving them the childhood they deserve today.

Our Values

  •  Rise and Walk Foundation is rooted in the Gospel Values especially love, compassion, service and solidarity.

  • We promote an organizational culture that respects and embraces people of all races, gender, religion, culture, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical abilities, age, parental status, and socio-economics levels.


Our Name

En 1998, mientras Hernán Bohórquez lideraba un grupo juvenil en el Barrio Minuto de Dios de Bogotá llamado Talitha Kum, una familia muy necesitada entró a la reunión del grupo. Luz Dary López, uno de los líderes, tomó la iniciativa de ayudar a esta familia que vivía en condiciones de pobreza absoluta en una casa improvisada con metal y cartón. El grupo sintió que la mejor forma de poner en práctica el Evangelio era ayudar en forma concreta a esta familia. Mediante los esfuerzos del grupo se logró construir los cimientos de una casa de interés social, realizar los acabados y comprar los muebles que la familia necesitaba. Este fue el primer gran logro de lo que se convertiría en la Fundación Levántate y Anda.


En el 2000, Hernán Bohórquez se trasladó a Estados Unidos, desde donde continuó apoyando la obra del grupo juvenil Talitha Kum. Mediante esfuerzos conjuntos, en el 2006, la obra se convirtió en una organización sin ánimo de lucro en los Estados Unidos con una sucursal en Bogotá, bajo la razón social Rise and Walk Foundation Inc. / Fundación Levante y Anda. Así, desde 1998, cientos de personas se han beneficiado de la generosidad y el trabajo de nuestros benefactores y voluntarios.

Nuestro nombre se inspira en el Evangelio de Marcos 2:1-12. Cuatro personas trajeron un paralítico y, como no podían acercarlo a Jesús por causa de la multitud, hicieron una abertura en el techo por encima de Jesús y bajaron la camilla en la que el hombre se acostaba. Jesús lo sanó al decir “Levántate, toma tu camilla y Anda”. Es nuestra misión ayudar a otros a superar sus dificultades y limitaciones y caminar por su cuenta.

Nuestra Historia

Cómo Ayudar
"Giving children the childhood they deserve, today"

Our friends


Contact Us


Bogotá, Calle 74 # 61 - 77 

Teléfono: 3166944523 / 7525234


United States

971 Fairfield Ave. Bridgeport, CT 06605 



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